Node JS

Vincent Collis
2 min readJun 26, 2021

What it is and why we use it!

Node Js is an Open-Source JavaScript runtime environment which is built on Chrome’s V8 engine for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser. Most of the time developers use Node JS to build backend services and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). Node JS is a favorite go to because of its ability to highly scalable, data-intensive, and real-time applications.

There are a ton of other frameworks for building back-end Services, like Asp.Net, Django, Flask, Rails, PHP, and so on.

But here is why you should choose Node:

Node Js is Fast

Node js is a super lightweight framework and the main reason that NodeJS is fast is because of its non-blocking I/O model. This means it utilizes a single asynchronous thread to handle all requests. Because of this style of handling code, Node Js fast and responsive.

JavaScript is literally everywhere

Node JS uses JavaScript which makes it great for most developers because that is almost universally known. Learning multiple languages for Front End vs Back End can be a pain. Node enables us to use javascript for frontend as well as backend development.

Node JS is Scalable

Node JS is scalable because it can handle several concurrent connections which is another feature of it is load balancing. Node JS can handle multiple jobs which out any burden which makes it scalable.

Community Support

One of the main reasons behind every language, framework, or library’s popularity is Community. Node Js has great community support and almost we can find any help and support we want in Node Js. There is code available for almost most of the cases, which makes Node JS preferable to use. With less amount of code, we can create highly scalable and efficient applications.

The fact that Node is Open Source is what makes it great and most of the programmers or companies can modify and adjust it according to their liking and usage. Second, it’s cross-platform which means it is available to almost every programmer no matter what their operating system is.

